Credit Card Tune-Up's Disclaimer

Credit Card Tune-Up cannot guarantee the accuracy of the expected annual rewards amounts quoted on the web site. There are a number of reasons for this. One consideration that makes perfect reward quoting impossible is that the actual rebates earned with some credit cards are sensitive to the sequence and timing of actual transactions.

This site is for informational purposes only. Use of information at this site is the sole responsibility of the user and we accept no responsibility for such use. The site is meant as an initial information service and the user is obligated to research relevant material on their own.

Credit Card Tune-Up contains links to credit card offers, many of which do pay this site a commission if you apply for and receive a card through these links. The revenue from these referrals is used for the maintenance and improvement of this site.

Credit Card Tune-Up disclaims all liability for losses you may incur as a result of inaccuracy or lack of completeness of any information given on this site. Credit Card Tune-Up disclaims any warranty that financial advice on this site is accurate or complete or even legal.